Satisfaction score 2019

We are very proud of the exceptionally high score in our annual satisfaction survey this year.

All renters receive a request from us to complete a satisfaction survey. The answers are given on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is very bad and 5 is excellent. Our aim is to score a minimum of 4 for all parts. We measure satisfaction about the holiday home but also about the website and us as a company.

Graph explanation
Number of completed surveys so far: 453

Quality of houses 2019

Quality of our service and website

Conclusion: Exceptionally high score in 2019
Never before has a survey year scored so high as in 2019. Not only were our tenants very satisfied with the houses, but also with the website and our response.
The beautiful weather certainly helped in the high score. From May to September the weather has been perfect.

Scores of the holiday homes
Traditionally, the amount of space always scores the highest. This was also the case in 2019 with a great score of 4.74. In addition, the pool and the location of the house also scored high with 4.47 and 4.43 respectively. The most improved points in 2019 were the cleanliness of the house and the quality of the kitchens.

Scores of our website and our response
Traditionally, correctness and the speed of our response were always the highest scorers. In 2019 again with even higher scores than before (both 4.65). The most important improvements in 2019 were itinerary, website layout and the correctness of our house descriptions.

Happy renters
We are very proud that in 2019 we will be recommended to family and friends by no less than 97% of the respondents.


  • Maintenance of the house can still be improved in some cases. Still with a very respectable average of 4.16 it is absolutely not bad. There were already improvements to be seen last season. Many of our homeowners are preparing improvements for the coming season.
  • We will improve descriptions of the houses and even better and more accurate pictures. We will also further improve the itineraries.
  • The search filter of the website will also be improved.

We would like to thank all the renters who completed our survey. We are very happy with the result.

Zsuzsi and Floris